Mar 4, 2010

Sometimes things just don't work out...

I have a vision of a beautiful entry table with two lamps either side - something like this stunner

When I found these two lampshades at the thrift store for $5, I thought it was meant to be.  I didn't really know what I wanted for bases - maybe a pop of color, maybe something with an interesting shape.  When I saw these at Target, on sale for $19.99, I thought - yes, pretty good.  I liked the color contrast and the curvy base with the barrel shade.  

First sign things weren't going well...

The shade needs a harp to attach to the base.  The base does not have a place for a harp to attach.  I should have known then.  

So out I go to Lowe's to purchase this handy-dandy item:

This just clips to the bulb, securing the shade without a harp.  I was so excited - perfect console around the corner (well, not really, but a step in the right direction).

Does the shade look a little LARGE to you?  Maybe it's just my imagination...

My lampshade is swallowing my lamp.  

Well, I liked you, but I don't love you.  Back you go.


Laura Christensen said...

cute lamps, but I agree about the shades. shorter shades? lamps up on stack of books to make them bigger?
love your blog!

Jami said...

Oh well! At least you tried! The lamps are a beautiful color and shape!

Cute blog! Can't wait to read more!


Kirsten Krason said...

I feel your pain with lamps. It is so hard to get the right shades. But I love those lamps. They are such a great shape!